unending - l11017

Headwords Alphabetical [ << >> ]

undying 4
uneasiness 2
uneasy 2
uneducated 2
unending 10
unendurable 4
unendurably 1
unerring 7
unexampled 1

10 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ << >> ]

undying 4
uneasiness 2
uneasy 2
uneducated 2
unending 10
unendurable 4
unendurably 1
unerring 4
unerringly 3

Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 6:20 benevolence to that inexhaustible and unending recompense
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 6:21 to the infinite, timeless, and unending day of election, in the
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 7:5 us the joyful destiny of unending life, which we would have
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 7:43 prepared for eternal torments, for unending destruction by irrevocable judgments; and
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 2- 8:183 in this transitory life possess unending glory that passes not away
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 7- 5:117 to repentance the angels have unending joy in heaven, as they
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 46:14 remorse and pain, and eternal unending Gehena is ready and waiting
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 76:17 apostasy and to inherit eternal, unending punishment
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 7:19 for him, the fire, darkness, unending lament, tears, and the gnashing
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 8:13 are eternal and perpetual and unending