Headwords Alphabetical [ << >> ]

render 73
rendezvous 1
rending 6
renege 2
renew 55
renewal 16
rennovate 6
rennovation 1
renounce 16

28 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ << >> ]

renege 1
reneged 1
renew 19
renewal 16
renewed 28
renewer 3
renewing 3
renews 2
rennovated 6

Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 7:59 die, and once again be renewed in glory [cf. II Cor. 3.18], when you will
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 7:89 your truth [cf. Acts 21.13], and to be renewed again at your coming
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 13:23 in the peace of the renewed splendor of paradise, with the
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 3- 4:70 a long time, and new, renewed offspring will be born and
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 2:6 of the kingdom of Armenia renewed and clarified, as it had
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 3:3 the king: “Just as God renewed your kingdom, so it is
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 5:18 in Christ, he was a renewed being
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 5:19 and now everything has been renewed, for (Christ) has taken human
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 5:19 has taken human form and renewed everything for himself again
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 5:50 to the kingdom of eternal renewed life
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 13:9 the churches began to be renewed and to shine
Բուզանդ/Buzand 5- 1:28 He especially renewed the orders of church worship
Բուզանդ/Buzand 5- 21:2 overturned orders, he corrected and renewed
Բուզանդ/Buzand 5- 28:7 your only begotten (son) you renewed your creations with a second
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 27:2 acquainted us with through the renewed birth of baptism; or, leaving
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 100:7 baptized, adorned them in light, renewed them, and, turning into an
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 73:1 The renewed attack of Khosrov against Artashir
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 77:9 Furthermore he renewed the frontiers established by Artashēs
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 88:13 This was later renewed by the Roman emperor Severus
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 23:3 Here Tirit’ and Vardan again renewed their deceit, saying that Gnel
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 8:4 places in Armenia. And he renewed again the prosperity of the
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 35:6 holy Golgotha have been gloriously renewed, each one’s splendour restored. On
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 35:6 the worshipful places have been renewed, they are envious, not for
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 37:5 of the holy cathedral, and renewed the unstable wall. He built
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 4:1 expelled the foreigners, and having renewed the ascendancy of his family
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 16:12 extirpated, erased and eradicated, and renewed the unbearable threats of vexatious
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 13:65 buildings that were destroyed he renewed again with much effort
Ասողիկ/Asoghik 1- 9:2 He renewed the patriarchal palace in the