Headwords Alphabetical [ << >> ]

crib 1
crime 57
criminal 14
cripple 7
crises 6
crisis 2
critic 2
critical 2
criticize 4

6 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ << >> ]

criminally 2
criminals 4
crippled 6
crippling 1
crises 2
crisis 6
critical 2
critically 2
criticism 1

Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 4:2 troops, and bring danger and crisis to our lands
Բուզանդ/Buzand 6- 9:6 in great, wicked torment and crisis for many days
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 7:4 women and children. Such a crisis descended on our land that
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 26:4 you. We cannot tolerate the crisis that the our country of
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 5:0 country rested from that great crisis. He confirmed (in office) those
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 11:26 dread. Because of the severe crisis, many pregnant women aborted their