Amatuni - l151

Headwords Alphabetical [ << >> ]

Amalek 4
Amanor 1
Amaras 3
Amasia 12
Amatuni 70
Ambak 1
Amenaprkich 3
Amida 16
Amighmarudakos 1

70 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ << >> ]

amass 2
amassed 10
amasya 8
amat 1
amatuni 30
amatunik 40
amazed 32
amazement 14
amazing 17

Կորիւն/Koryun 1- 26:5 first one, Vahan, of the Amatuni clan, who was the commander
Կորիւն/Koryun 1- 26:10 However, three years later Vahan Amatuni was able to build, with
Բուզանդ/Buzand 3- 7:16 Erheshtunik’, Vahan nahapet of the Amatunik’ tohm, and Varaz Kaminakan. They
Բուզանդ/Buzand 3- 8:21 sparapet Vach’e and brave Vahan Amatuni arrested Databe, brought him before
Բուզանդ/Buzand 3- 8:26 Armenia and in brave Vahan Amatuni
Բուզանդ/Buzand 3- 14:25 Vanand, Karen, prince of the Amatunik tohm, and Varaz, prince of
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 4:4 and Pargew, prince of the Amatunik tun. All of these dignitaries
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 2- 5:125 Elisha, bishop of Amatunik
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 2- 10:235 from the house of the Amatunik
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 4- 2:35 A lesser noble of the Amatunik, called Manen
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 5- 1:9 sparapet himself, Artak Paluni, Vahan Amatuni, Giwt from the house of
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 5- 3:55 a junior noble of the Amatuni family, Arandzar by name, a
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 9- 1:6 From the house of the Amatunik: Vahan, Arandzar, and Arnak
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 2- 19:0 calendar). Vahan, prince of the Amatunik’, took the body of this
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 23:3 Mananaghik’ lord Eghishe, bishop of Amatunik’ lord Eremia, bishop of Apahunik’
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 23:5 of Arsharunik’ Vahan, lord of Amatunik’ Atom, lord of Gnunik’ Varazshapuh
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 25:15 Manech, from the tohm of Amatunik, Vahan, from the tohm
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 31:4 However Vahan, prince of the Amatunik’, would not leave Vardan, the
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 31:4 that he, Vahan, lord of Amatunik’, and Vasak, prince of Siwnik’
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 33:9 prince of the tun of Amatunik’, a learned and sagacious man
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 37:8 sepuh named Arhanjar of the Amatunik’ azg together with the nobility
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 42:2 prince of the tun of Amatunik’, the prince of the tun
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 42:2 prince of the tun of Amatunik’, Vahan, the prince of the
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 45:27 Antioch. Then he sent Vahan Amatuni and other naxarars from each
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 47:6 from the tohm of Amatunik’, Vahan, Arhanjar and Arhnak
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 63:13 Siwnik’ or the wonderful Arhnak Amatuni, and others like them (who
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 67:0 named Varaz-shapuh, from the Amatunik’ tohm, separated from the plan
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 57:1 Concerning the principality of the Amatunik’
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 57:2 say the family of the Amatunik’ came from the eastern regions
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 57:4 among the family of the Amatunik’, for they are personable and
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 57:6 and estates and were called Amatuni, as being foreigners
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 77:3 from the family of the Amatunik’, who was related by marriage
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 84:3 Awtay who was of the Amatuni family and had been the
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 85:8 and Vahan, prince of the Amatunik’
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 6:3 was Vahan, prince of the Amatunik’, as general of the eastern
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 6:5 and Vahan, prince of the Amatunik’, with the eastern force and
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 9:1 the heroic exploits of Vahan Amatuni were performed
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 9:3 Vahan the prince of the Amatunik’, for our northern forces were
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 9:7 Then the brave Vahan Amatuni, looking toward the cathedral, note
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 18:3 In place of Vahan Amatuni he appointed as commander of
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 43:2 Gnuni family, Kenan of the Amatuni family, Sura of the Mok
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 50:8 brother Shavarsh and of Pargev Amatuni
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 51:7 offended him, the Kamsarakan and Amatuni, who had hidden in obscure
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 65:10 kinsman the Kamsarakan, or the Amatuni, of their ancestral rank and
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 67:17 But the valiant Vahan Amatuni won the argument, for he
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 16:2 and Kotit, lord of the Amatunik’, and T’ēodoros Trpatuni, and about
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 16:6 Mamikonean, Kotit, lord of the Amatunik’, and Step’anos and still others
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 21:3 Seventh: Kotit, lord of the Amatunik’, and others from the nobles
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 23:0 Asorestan. The killing of Kotit Amatuni at the instigation of Khosrov
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 42:27 Vahewuni, Khach’ean Aṙawełean, and Shapuh Amatuni
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 46:12 Mamikonēik’, and Matt’ēos of the Amatunik’. They had ready there with
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 10:15 and his brother from the Amatuni clan, and numerous other Armenian
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 34:38 son, and those of the Amatunik’ and Trunik’ Houses, remained where
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 34:46 brothers and those from the Amatunik’ clan together with their troops
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 42:2 leaders were Shapuh from the Amatunik’ House and his son Hamam
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 34:28 two other men from the Amatuni house who were of the
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 10:9 entrusted the army to Vahan Amatuni to take responsibility for warfare
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 10:17 a certain Vahan of the Amatuni family (directing) them to return
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 10:17 families heard the wise Vahan Amatuni and followed him back in
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 11:3 general of Armenia, and Vahan Amatuni and Mehuzhan’s brother as escorts
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 11:49 of nobles led by Vahan Amatuni, who was at that time
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 2:23 of the house of the Amatuni of whose names I am
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 6:7 from the family of the Amatunik’, Shapuh with eight relatives and
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 2:32 Vahan of the province of Amatunik’ had fled to the valley
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 4:49 Amatunik’: Musheł and Asit’ and Sahak
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 13:52 Shapuh the prince of the Amatuni family was among the wounded
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 20:62 Only Apusakr, prince of Amatunik’, did they capture and bring
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 24:2 of the house of the Amatunik’, Shapuh and Vahan and Saray
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 25:3 accompanied by Shapuh from the Amatuni family, who had been an
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 29:65 of the house of the Amatunik’, who was residing at the