Headwords Alphabetical [ << >> ]

harshly 2
harshness 1
harvest 21
haste 117
hasten 101
hat 1
hatch 6
hatchet 5
hate 45

22 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ << >> ]

haskoy 1
hast 4
haste 89
hasteank 1
hasten 22
hastened 73
hastenic 1
hastening 4
hastens 2

Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 17:43 Let us hasten, Lord, to leave this body
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 3- 3:10 But hasten and build chapels in order
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 3- 5:3 So now come, hasten to fulfill his words according
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 3- 13:6 He note: “Come, let us hasten to make as our pastor
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 8:11 respectable people were sent to hasten his arrival
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 38:13 great and honorable Cup will hasten to be worthy of attaining
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 38:20 Let us hasten to the wedding of Christ
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 84:5 Come now, let us hasten to the place of the
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 48:9 we see it, we shall hasten to your service
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 22:5 to him. Should you not hasten to remove them from our
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 54:50 flogging and torments that would hasten his death, (the ostikan) exposed
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 66:4 sectarian katholikos.” “Subsequently, you must hasten the very same numerous legions
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 66:31 ailment, which has afflicted us, hasten to inflict on you vain
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 5:1 readiness and immense numbers, to hasten without delay to encounter Ashdahak
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 6:45 So hasten, be firm, pursue them. Have
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 7:26 us halt this discussion and hasten on, lest by stretching out
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 8:9 spring season approached, they should hasten without delay to join him
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 8:20 to help us; and Lord, hasten to succour us,” and what
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 9:12 message to the general Zhirak’: “ Hasten to meet me.” But the
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 25:1 other he constrained them to hasten individually to his presence in
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 1:53 about them, and we shall hasten on with the course of
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 3:14 but for history, let us hasten back to the course of