Headwords Alphabetical [ << >> ]

danger 65
dangerous 13
dare 141
darikpet 1
dark 40
darken 11
darkness 88
darling 1
darnel 1

40 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ << >> ]

daringly 1
dariunk 3
darius 11
dariwnk 8
dark 40
darkened 10
darkens 1
darkness 88
darling 1

Կորիւն/Koryun 1- 4:3 and living on herbs, in dark cells, clad in sackcloth, with
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 21:19 I have been in the dark and incredibly deep pit, dwelling
Բուզանդ/Buzand 4- 15:70 hairy, and his color is dark
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 2- 12:288 was absorbing and consuming his dark plots, and that they were
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 5- 5:102 Let us then abandon the dark thoughts of these erring ones
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 7- 9:217 not walk blindly in the dark; you have fallen into an
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 8- 1:12 orders, he is clothed in dark garments, is set apart in
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 9- 1:20 they were locked in the dark by day and deprived of
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 57:27 because the night was very dark. After working in one place
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 90:17 that has caused such a dark cloud and sadness to come
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 93:0 of the Aryans and the dark cloud which has come upon
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 46:17 army and encamped in the dark over the corpses
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 11:24 until the night was pitch dark, scattering corpses over the plains
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 37:1 building was too low and dark which St. Sahak had built
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 27:9 streams which evaporated into a dark fog
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 17:27 which formerly had been a dark and small building, with a
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 18:25 which was formerly gloomy and dark, torn down and had a
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 29:2 a cheerful countenance surmounted by dark eyebrows. He had a speckle
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 30:42 in my eye espy the dark conduct of others
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 42:16 the king, and hiding their dark plot under a bushel, waited
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 43:10 and confined me in a dark dungeon, which was surrounded by
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 43:27 the rack and incarceration in dark and narrow places by my
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 46:16 of them were confined in dark prisons, clad only in cilice
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 54:49 being confined in prison and dark dungeons, unbearable pits and uncomfortable
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 54:56 Hagar. I was confined in dark dungeons, cast into a muddy
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 64:19 Indian divesting himself of the dark color of his complexion, and
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 66:9 learned of their shadowy and dark plots sometime earlier, and had
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 66:19 morning, when it was still dark, all the people of the
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 66:33 mind was plunged into the dark and dismal intent of exacting
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 1:24 light whereby it might become dark on the arrival of evening
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 3:11 sweet-smelling, but you are dark and evil-loving.” But since
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 3:14 pursued them until night was dark, covering the ground with corpses
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 4:62 the night had become quite dark. They expelled them from Armenian
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 29:19 through the guardians of this dark ( region) who have control over
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 1:43 in black, and prepared a dark- coloured covering for her head
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 12:2 hair of his head was dark, long, and curly, carefully arranged
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 13:35 and fiery lightning in the dark hours of the night
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 13:42 with the governors of this dark ( region) and with evil spirits
Ասողիկ/Asoghik 1- 5:11 eternal light. — That was a dark time for Armenia
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 4:14 went and submerged themselves in dark ( underground) chambers