Headwords Alphabetical [ << >> ]

stray 24
streak 1
stream 43
street 23
strength 133
strengthen 95
stress 1
stretch 24
strew 2

133 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ << >> ]

streaming 3
streams 29
street 1
streets 22
strength 133
strengthen 18
strengthened 70
strengthener 1
strengthening 5

Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 4:6 weak, since his bones lacked strength to prevail in single combat
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 4:16 observed such a demonstration of strength, he was astonished. When day
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 5:10 served you with all my strength
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 7:59 So, Lord, give me strength to fight for the truth
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 8:9 note: “I have been given strength [cf. Acts 1.8], because I asked the Creator
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 9:15 own power but through the strength of the grace of my
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 9:16 For he gives strength and power to endure and
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 10:15 of God? For he gives strength in order to confound those
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 11:11 Trdat was possessed of great strength, solid bones, and a large
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 17:5 king was defeated - he, whose strength had been regarded as unbelievable
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 17:5 Greeks, he had displayed such strength and stamina, that everyone was
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 20:5 one, because of Trdat’s natural strength, and two, because of the
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 1- 21:18 know the measure of the strength and firmness of your own
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 3- 5:10 according to their weaker feminine strength. And thus, they all worked
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 3- 8:7 since he had a giant’s strength, like Hayk
Ագաթանգեղոս/Agatangeghos 3- 28:13 done, and what was their strength
Բուզանդ/Buzand 3- 3:20 the Lord God revealed His strength and showed us that He
Բուզանդ/Buzand 3- 8:20 many elephants and the entire strength of their force
Բուզանդ/Buzand 3- 14:49 and others will consume your strength. None will be found to
Բուզանդ/Buzand 5- 4:47 their might, and let their strength be crushed, and let them
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 2- 9:221 the cowed began to recover strength; and the same whispering was
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 2- 11:269 his heart he destroyed the strength of his body, pierced the
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 3- 2:43 the princes, nor of the strength of the chief magus’s force
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 3- 3:67 indicate to the court the strength: of their union and how
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 3- 7:152 Armenians, who with all their strength were opposing the wickedness of
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 3- 9:223 quiver. He lost all his strength, especially because he had returned
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 5- 8:171 worse than the Armenians’, his strength and powers failed and he
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 6- 2:41 fortresses of Armenia, in great strength they attacked the valley of
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 6- 2:44 a decisive victory, broke the strength of the Persian troops, slaughtered
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 7- 8:186 respect them with all our strength, not as some insignificant man
Եղիշէ/Yeghishe 7- 13:315 there still remained a little strength in his body, even with
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 1- 2:1 Artawan’s kingdom, and the growing strength of the Stahrite Artashir son
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 2- 10:23 were with him lacked the strength to attempt such an intense
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 2- 16:11 with my mind’s eye through strength from On High. Do not
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 26:14 into many individuals, with more strength and enthusiasm than I presently
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 27:16 sepuhsare full of all strength and goodness because of Christ’s
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 28:13 I have performed by my strength
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 28:14 do a deed with such strength and power that its fame
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 37:9 brigade and spoke of God’s strength which the Savior had aided
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 38:16 it were, armed with fearless strength by the holy Spirit
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 45:20 of the Aryans and his strength, do not fear. Return, and
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 3- 46:3 our Vardan, with all the strength of the Aryans I fought
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 65:15 of fear. That is the strength of my brigade
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 68:4 Savior of all for the strength of victory
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 69:24 the House of God (Whose strength is mighty) and they thanked
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 70:2 Armenia remained protected by the strength of Christ’s aid, in whom
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 71:22 gladdened by the spirit of strength, he said to all of
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 77:15 minds which none had the strength to put out—(Vahan) note
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 83:15 by the awesome and courageous strength of Armenia’s general, Vahan, and
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 84:2 Mamikonean, he recalled the irresistible strength ( of God) and was thoroughly
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 88:4 what are Vahan’s thoughts and strength, and how has he been
Փարպեցի/Parpetsi 4- 91:27 himself and the might and strength of the Aryan world and
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 1- 30:17 adept in everything, and in strength he had no equal
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 5:3 a firm body and great strength. Armed in bronze and iron
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 8:15 man of gigantic size and strength. Because of the deformity of
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 8:16 that Ṙostom Sagdjik had the strength of [120] elephants
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 8:17 The songs about his strength and spiritedness seemed very disproportionate
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 57:3 was of great stature and strength called Samson, as is the
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 2- 82:11 the powerful Persians felt the strength of the giant and the
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 29:16 supposing ourselves to have some strength we have sent a marauding
Խորենացի/Khorenatsi 3- 59:4 to a great size and strength, and exhibit wonderful fatness
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 8:3 However, the Armenian army gained strength and defeated the Persian army
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 11:20 but in valour and the strength of elephants. But I tell
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 12:20 was a youth, and the strength of his army was weak
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 20:8 had demonstrated his valour and strength in many battles
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 20:12 horns over its head. Losing strength, the bull retreated and turned
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 20:14 was astonished at the man’s strength and toughness. Heeding the supplications
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 28:15 were both men of gigantic strength and fully covered in armour
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 34:15 exhaustion. However, the Persians gained strength, put the Greeks to flight
Սեբէոս/Sebeos 1- 51:1 range of Media, and the strength of those active and intrepid
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 4:8 the Ishmaelite victory, gathering his strength he crossed to the other
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 29:3 quickly prepared their belongings, taking strength from the power of the
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 34:34 even he) who possessed such strength drew back in fear from
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 34:34 for help)? Whose power, whose strength ( will help you) against the
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 34:62 But then (the Arabs) regained strength, turned from their flight, and
Ղեւոնդ/Ghevond 1- 38:1 troops? If you have some strength in your hands, get ready
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 30:52 are like unto you lack strength, and are overwhelmed by their
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 51:4 wicked ostikan noticed their consolidated strength in all of the provinces
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 54:35 grateful to Him, Who gave strength to your august imperial highnesses
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 54:42 They also broke the strength of those hands that were
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 54:81 your righteousness rise in the strength of Christ, and let us
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 55:25 wicked ostikan saw the solid strength of Gagik, whom he had
Դրասխանակերտցի/Draskhanakerttsi 1- 58:11 putting his hopes in the strength of his forces, and his
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 1:54 dissoluteness, taking refuge in (their) strength of limb and unbridled in
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 1:54 unbridled in boasting of the strength of their arm. They had
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 2:5 arrogant and confident in the strength of his arm and his
Թովմա/Tovma 1- 5:17 Then they returned in great strength and notable victory. These are
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 3:2 regions, a man of great strength, valiantly smote the forces of
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 3:5 warrior and man of great strength, and all the troops of
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 3:11 of your forces and the strength of elephants. But I tell
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 3:50 of the royal house gathered strength again to wage war against
Թովմա/Tovma 2- 7:2 the ground with its warming strength and awakening to fertility the
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 2:10 battle they exhibited as much strength and heroic valour as if
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 2:10 and bravery to many, of strength to the cowardly and encouragement
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 4:20 falsity, or by war and strength of arms, with all vigilance
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 4:41 and solid, having the impenetrable strength of iron
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 4:65 grew thicker the Armenians took strength, and when it lessened they
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 6:18 obvious that there is much strength in you. For you have
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 8:4 Again, when the strength of the warm south wind
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 8:4 their leaves, and benumbs the strength of the roots; then the
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 8:7 as, because of its tremendous strength, we have drawn the example
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 9:1 and plants began to gather strength, the birds and beasts recognised
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 9:6 provinces. He had indicated the strength of each province, the strongholds
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 10:20 that as long as my strength endures and I live, I
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 11:36 their wishes with all his strength and devotion
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 15:7 Gurgēn, however, daily increased in strength in numerous placesin Tarōn
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 16:2 valiant Ashot with his heroic strength who joined the royal army
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 20:19 remained abashed; he lost his strength and assumed that his last
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 20:45 of my hands fails for strength to write. Pains as of
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 20:48 For I have not the strength to sing the funeral dirge
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 29:50 because of the severity and strength of the bitter and mortal
Թովմա/Tovma 3- 29:76 children and kinsmen. In fearsome strength they fell on (the Armenians
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 3:11 bases set up with inconceivable strength and hope in God over
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 3:33 harm them because of the strength of the site and the
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 8:17 Gagik) also walled with unassailable strength the summit of the castle
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 13:79 men and liberal bounty gave strength to this weak, pitiable and
Թովմա/Tovma 4- 13:112 the whole world, grant them strength, wisdom and knowledge, patience and
Ասողիկ/Asoghik 1- 4:5 Smbat overtakes him with great strength, and Yusuf in horror asks
Ասողիկ/Asoghik 1- 48:5 the work that exceeded my strength and wrote this Chronicle, as
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 4:12 who had any power and strength left, mounted their horses, together
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 9:17 soon as he observed their strength and unity, became frightened and
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 10:5 with that the soul of strength and prophecy, (he could crush
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 12:0 to multiply and sustain its strength, as the great prophet Isaiah
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 13:2 strong not through his own strength, but because the Lord weakens
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 15:2 and youths (each) according to strength and ability, on the Lord’s
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 16:31 His name, that He give strength and steadfastness to His people
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 21:9 year-old heifer in the strength of its vigor and bravery
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 22:25 however, does not permit the strength of sinners to approach the
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 23:29 steed suddenly bridled by the strength ( of their faith) gave way
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 25:4 giant (triumph) because of his strength, but rather through the right
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 25:15 Rather, He kept His strength to Himself and betrayed us
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 26:11 Our food gave us no strength, and our drink was bitter
Լաստիվերցի/Lastivertsi 1- 26:23 tremble with dread at His strength; and so that through confession